Why Staffing Firms Should Rely on Experts to Handle Tax Credit Filings
Claiming tax credits can provide significant financial benefits for staffing firms, but many firms miss out on these opportunities due to the complexities involved. Filing for tax credits is time-consuming and requires detailed recordkeeping, eligibility verification, and precise compliance with tax laws. For busy staffing firms, these requirements can be challenging to manage, resulting in […]
Processing Tax Credits: Common Mistakes Staffing Firms Should Avoid
Many staffing firms qualify for tax credits. For instance, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit available to employers who recruit and retain veterans, food stamp recipients, and other individuals from target groups that historically faced barriers securing employment. The program creates economic opportunities that lessen the burden on other government […]
State vs. Federal Tax Credits: Which Benefits Staffing Firms More?
Staffing firms might qualify for federal or state tax credits. Understanding which tax credits benefit staffing firms more helps determine which ones to apply for. Eligibility requirements differ for federal and state tax credits. Therefore, staffing firms that qualify for these credits should begin the application process today. Federal or State Hiring Credits Hiring and […]